The Animals Would Not Sleep

With bedtime fast approaching, young Latinx scientist Marco wants to sort his stuffed animals into categories that will help them comfortably settle down. He observes, compares, and groups, but the animals refuse every classification. Finally Marco combines math with empathy to get the most important result: maximum snuggles.

What Others Are Saying…

“Perfectly capturing the way young children interact with their toys, Sara Levine combines imagination and scientific thinking in her inventive story, part of the Storytelling Math series from Charlesbridge. The book offers an irresistible invitation to experiment and interact with math and science and is a must for home, school, and public library collections.”
—Celebrate Picture Books

Q&A with the Author

Get the inside scoop on Sara Levine's charming entry in the Storytelling Math series, THE ANIMALS WOULD NOT SLEEP! @s/the-animals-would-not-sleep Learn more ...

The Animals Would Not Sleep.jpg


Mathical Book Award for K-2nd grade 2021